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Prestone Platinum Univ Antifreeze+Coolant; 15yr/350k mi, 1 Gal - Concentrate
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Prestone Platinum Univ Antifreeze+Coolant; 15yr/350k mi, 1 Gal - Concentrate

Product ID: 460419182
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Prestone® Platinum antifreeze+coolant is Prestone's best universal antifreeze & coolant product. GUARANTEED to work with all vehicles; all makes, models, years & fluid colors. 15+ years, 350,000 miles of protection; the fluid is guaranteed for the life of your vehicle. This advanced product delivers Extreme Protection against both freezing temperatures (-50°) and overheating / boiling over of the engine (+268°). Prestone Platinum utilizes industry leading protection from engine damaging rust, corrosion, buildup & scale. While ordinary antifreeze coolant only focuses on the basic corrosion coverage, Prestone Platinum goes farther, adding our most advanced cooling system protection, allowing the system to run optimally, like when it was new. Internal buildup & corrosion damage can cause engine part failure or clogging, leading to expensive repairs and inconveniences. Prestone Platinum helps you avoid costly repairs and vehicles in the shop. This extended life coolant is guaranteed to work with all new engines and engine technology, while also being backwards compatible, improving protection in all older engines. Prestone Platinum antifreeze+coolant - Year Round Protection. Guaranteed to work with All Vehicles. Universally works with all fluid colors; All OAT, POAT, HOAT & IAT; G05®, G11®, G12®, G12++®, G13®, G30®, G40®, & GG40®.  For all engines & engine sizes, new and older engines. 15+ Yr., 350,000 mile Extended life formula.  The fluid is guaranteed for the life of your vehicle Includes our most advanced Prestone Cor-Guard® technology, unmatched cooling system parts protection that protects against engine damage; rust, corrosion, scale, build-up and clogging.  Protection for 15+yrs / 350,000 miles. Concentrated formula.  Must mix with high quality  water to the desired ratio. Can be used for top-off, complete drain and refill or flush and refill of the cooling system.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

Suresh K.

Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

4 days ago

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Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago

Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago